Monthly Archives: October 2017

The Melting Point Of Stainless Steel and Why It Shouldn’t Be Your Only Temperature Concern

You may already know a lot about the durability of stainless steel against a variety of stress factors as this is well documented. The tensile strength and impact tolerance of steel far outweigh that of many other metals, but what isn’t as well known is the heat resistance of stainless steel. In other words.. what […]

The Future Of Stainless Steel Is Definitely Bright

You could say that stainless steel has a lot going for it. Aside from its resistance to corrosion and staining, the vast majority of stainless steel products have long lives. On average stainless steel products such as counter-tops, cutlery, saucepans, tubing, pressure vessels and exhaust systems can be expected to last for 15-25 years. For […]

Aluminised Steel And Why It’s So Effective

While protective treatments are designed to prolong the life of many metals, those which are used in high temperature situations are particularly vulnerable. Those materials which are designed to operate in high temperatures eg, furnaces, rooftop HVAC systems, kitchen ranges and barbecue burners, can find themselves subject to weakening and problematic stress fractures. Of course […]